Archives for December, 2011


It’s funny how your perception of yourself always varies from those on the outside looking in. Have you ever wondered how you tend to give off a certain vibe or how someone’s constructive criticism of you can be so dead on once you really think about it? What about when your intentions seem to get […]

New Year Resolution’s: How to Keep Them for 2011

With 2010 coming to a close, many of you are writing down your new year’s resolutions and making promises to stick with them. Of course, a lot of us procrastinate and completely disregard our resolutions, only to make the same promises for the next new year. It’s a never ending cycle! Here are some ways […]

Past Sexual Encounters: Do Numbers Matter?

I always believed that this was a question that should never be asked or answered, not because I had anything to hide, but I never fully understood what would it would solve. I always looked at it from two point of views with one being if you asked me the number of sexual partners I […]